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certificates advanced search certification bodies manage responsibly produce responsibly buy responsibly as a forest owner certify your responsible management practices and gain access to the global market for certified products. learn more as a company procure pefc-certified material and manufacture products from sustainably managed forests. learn more as a consumer look out for the pefc label when buying furniture, paper and other wood-based products. learn more all news national technical experience forests, experience pefc – did you take part? jun 11 2018 as we celebrated world environment day last week, our 2018 pefc photo contest came to close... more connecting certified forests to sustainable construction may 31 2018 using wood in construction is fantastic. it looks good, is easy to work with, is healthy for the... more we explain the changes to our sustainable forest management benchmark may 29 2018 do you want to give your feedback as we revise our benchmark for sustainable forest management?... more affordable and sustainable: prefabricated wins green award! mar 29 2018 cross laminated timber, glue laminated timber… engineered wood is making it easier than... more after 10 years: goodbye to kees mar 23 2018 it has been ten years since kees boon, together with student johan vlieger, founded pefc... more sustainability, solidarity and gender equality on the catwalk feb 27 2018 fantastic and sustainable creations by renowned spanish designer, maría lafuente, marked... more we explain the changes to our sustainable forest management benchmark may 29 2018 do you want to give your feedback as we revise our benchmark for sustainable forest management?... more austria, canada, uk and uruguay achieve pefc re-endorsement may 18 2018 the austrian, canadian, uk and uruguayan national forest certification systems have successfully... more going beyond forests: pefc to open certification to farmers and... may 07 2018 our revised sustainable forest management benchmark is now up for public consultation, and we are... more all news pefc national technical all news national technical experience forests, experience pefc – did you take part? jun 11 2018 as we celebrated world environment day last week, our 2018 pefc photo contest came to close... more connecting certified forests to sustainable construction may 31 2018 using wood in construction is fantastic. it looks good, is easy to work with, is healthy for the... more we explain the changes to our sustainable forest management benchmark may 29 2018 do you want to give your feedback as we revise our benchmark for sustainable forest management?... more affordable and sustainable: prefabricated wins green award! mar 29 2018 cross laminated timber, glue laminated timber… engineered wood is making it easier than... more after 10 years: goodbye to kees mar 23 2018 it has been ten years since kees boon, together with student johan vlieger, founded pefc... more sustainability, solidarity and gender equality on the catwalk feb 27 2018 fantastic and sustainable creations by renowned spanish designer, maría lafuente, marked... more we explain the changes to our sustainable forest management benchmark may 29 2018 do you want to give your feedback as we revise our benchmark for sustainable forest management?... more austria, canada, uk and uruguay achieve pefc re-endorsement may 18 2018 the austrian, canadian, uk and uruguayan national forest certification systems have successfully... more going beyond forests: pefc to open certification to farmers and... may 07 2018 our revised sustainable forest management benchmark is now up for public consultation, and we are... more pefc always welcomes constructive criticism and has a proven track record of acting quickly and positively on it. for example the inclusion of the international labour organisation (ilo) conventions as requested and advised by the international federation of building and woodworkers . we are therefore very disappointed and surprised at the negative approach taken by wwf . similarly, it is very surprising and curious, that at no stage in conducting this study, was pefc contacted. pefc members are committed to promote the environmentally appropriate, economically viable and socially beneficial management of forests. pefc always welcomes constructive criticism and has a proven track record of acting quickly and positively on it. for example the inclusion of the ilo conventions as requested and advised by the international federation of building and woodworkers. we are therefore very disappointed and surprised at the negative approach taken by wwf. similarly, it is very surprising and curious, that at no stage in conducting this study, was pefc contacted. this can only bring into question the real motives behind the report. instead of working with us to promote responsible forest management, the organisation has decided to exclude itself. we look forward to wwf actively participating in the process as social interests such as labour unions have done. pefc is very concerned that a well respected international organisation such as wwf, which claims it cares for the responsible management of forests, has appointed as its consultant one of its former employees, whose views are well known. would it not have been a better and more credible approach to appoint someone who is clearly seen to be independent and who could have produced an unbiased objective and authoritative report? this would surely have provided a better basis to work on to improve the protection of our forests. the press release unfortunately contains many unsubstantiated claims and biased opinions. therefore rather than contributing to the ongoing development of sustainable forest management it is merely distracting genuine efforts in this respect. contrary to the claims in the wwf press release, pefc endorsed schemes do comply with the basic requirements for forest certification. we use nationally agreed standards developed by multi stakeholder involvement, based on the ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe ( mcpfe ) -a process in which wwf itself participates in as a non voting observer. pefc endorsed schemes use certification bodies accredited by national accreditation organisations, which are independent of the standard setting process and the pefc council. this therefore complies with the requirements of iso guide 61, which states that accreditation bodies "shall not provide, directly or indirectly, services to design, implement or maintain a certification scheme". it is very questionable if wwf's preferred scheme meets such strict requirements. pefc labels make very clear statements and always refer readers to the website where they can obtain full and comprehensive information. pefc is about more than just labels - it is about promoting the economically viable, environmentally appropriate and socially beneficial management of forests. contrary to the claims in the wwf press release, no risk is posed to the credibility of retailers. anyone who looks objectively at our process can see that the scheme is based on normal certification procedures verified by independent accredited certifiers as is normal for all other certified products in the world. by selling products with a pefc logo, retailers will be promoting sustainable forest management. contrary to claims in the wwf press release pefc has as one of its cornerstones, compliance with national laws. this is verified by independent consultants when schemes are assessed and it is checked regularly by the independent certification bodies when they do their audits. contrary to the claim in the wwf press release, pefc has a comprehensive mechanism to ensure all stakeholder views are extensively considered. stakeholder views are sought at all of the following levels: the development and establishment of national and regional standards the assessment of schemes via a public consultation process to which all are invited to participate. we put out press releases and post schemes on the internet with the independent consultants address so that comments can be sent directly to them. the disputes settlement procedures with both the independent certifiers and the independent dispute settlement board, which is set up in each country. ultimately the pefc council where issues not resolved up until then can be taken. it seems that the wwf spokesperson does not want to understand the very democratic nature of pefc (even though it has been explained to him several times). as with for example, the mcpfe process, each country has a say. engos can take part in discussions at national and local level where it really counts. like the mcpfe process, observer status can be conferred on ngos and in fact is. like the mcpfe these observers have influential powers and their votes come through the national members. to do otherwise would be to unfairly give one stakeholder group undue influence. contrary to the claim in the press release, pefc is based on the commitment of woodland owners and provides a regional mechanism, which allows even the smallest to get involved to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable forest management. contrary to the claims in the wwf press release, pefc does not fail to meet the world trade organisation's technical barrier to trade agreement . in fact it promotes competition and the first non-european member countries are soon to join the council. we have also had expressions of interest in membership from both northern and southern hemisphere countries that are developing national forest certification schemes. contrary to the claims in the wwf press release, pefc scheme does respect the decision making processes as outlined in the internationally agreed agenda 21. it is alarming to see such a sensationalised press release full of inaccuracies. it should also be noted that the "consultants" themselves state "some references may not be valid at time of writing". shouldn't a consultant check? and if not why not? pefc has not been given an opportunity to look at the report in detail. it is important therefore that the pefc takes time to study the report to elicit any genuine constructive criticism; to help pefc in its continual review process. we will also need to correct the misleading and inaccurate information so that everyone can be properly informed. this will take time and we are sorry that a proper objective study, involving pefc, wasn't conducted. constructive criticism aimed at improving a scheme is always welcome.although the legal opinion sought may, possibly, fall into this category, the inaccurate, sensationalist press release and associated discredited secondary report do not. pefc requires adherence to national law and therefore regards wwf 's attempts to dress up legal "opinion "as "confirmation "of violation of austrian law,as irresponsible,misleading and not becoming to the organisation's reputation. pefc finds curious and questions the true objectives behind wwf's need to combine a legal opinion with recycled, untrue and misleading statements, supposedly based on an already discredited report, to try and make its press release "newsworthy." pefc notes that yet again, reports have been commissioned and views sought by wwf without any reference to the organisation in question. pefc questions the value and motives behind such negative "campaigns" normally associated with the more radical end of the conservation organisations spectrum. pefc austria will consider the legal "opinion" sought by wwf, on points of austrian law and act accordingly, as any responsible organisation would. pefc regrets the fact that after wwf's own experiences (for example the dubious accusations of "illegal projects "as published in the sydney morning herald, 2nd march 2001, "no way to save trees "by andy rowell) wwf resorts to similar unhelpful tactics. pefc continues to invite and calls on wwf to participate actively in the pefc process and to play a constructive role in the forest certification debate and to participate in pefc's ongoing development in a manner befitting its reputation. the report, "behind the logo," by an engo umbrella organization is one more in a series of biased propaganda aimed at trying to discredit genuine attempts by all other stakeholders in society to promote sustainable forest management through a range of credible forest certification schemes. the attempts by certain elements of the engo community to push one scheme only and to denigrate all others, having rejected repeated invitations to participate, are merely counter-productive and an anathema to their stated aims of promoting products from well managed forests. it is ironic that these same environmental organisations normally associated with the promotion of diversity and opposed to globalised monopolies; are in this case attempting to stifle the diversity of credible national and local schemes by promoting only a one-world option. the pefc council is disappointed that yet another opportunity to contribute constructively to the process of promoting sustainable forest management has been missed. rather than actively engaging in the ongoing development of independent forest certification schemes; so-called "in-depth" comparisons are made by people interested in pushing only one scheme. the constructive thing to do would have been to co-operate with the schemes to commission a mutually acceptable independent consultant to do the assessment. this would have resulted in a more objective result as for example the study by professor thoroe, comparing fsc and pefc parallel certification in a pilot area in germany, which showed both schemes to be equivalent from an ecological point of view. unfortunately the "behind the logo" report does not contribute constructively to the debate. rather it detracts, with unsubstantiated and often misleading statements and conclusions. the money and effort spent on this exercise could have been better utilized to promote sustainable forest management. our forests deserve better once again, we invite the organisations behind the report to become actively involved in the ongoing development of national schemes, and are happy to consider the "case studies" as their initial contribution to be considered with their involvement within the national processes. finally, pefc is seriously concerned that misdirected efforts to discredit pefc and other credible schemes, are risking the reputation of certification as a tool to promote sustainable forest management. it also risks consumers being frightened off buying timber from certified forests and substituting it with less environmentally friendly products. don't be part of the problem, become part of the solution - for our forests sake. pefc, the international scheme promoting sustainable management of forests through credible independent third party certification, has just become bigger. two more schemes, namely those from france and latvia have just completed the thorough assessment procedure to become endorsed by the pefc council. mr gunneberg, secretary general of pefc council, said, "there are now eight independent forest certification schemes endorsed by the pefc council. soon forests certified under the french and latvian schemes will be able to be counted towards the 36.42 million hectares already certified. - an area equal in size to the total land mass of the united kingdom, ireland, belgium and the netherlands put together !" mr genest, pefc france vice chairman, said, "i'm delighted to see that the french scheme has been endorsed as meeting the stringent requirements of the pefc council. this is good news for the environment and the scheme is a good an example of how environmentalists, woodland owners, the forest industry and social interests can work constructively together to safeguard the future of our forests". mr genest, is also a director of "france nature environnement," the umbrella body for environmental organisations in france, and a recently elected director of the pefc council. dr skaidrite albertina, chairwoman of pefc latvia and a former vice chairwoman of the environmental protection commission of the latvian parliament, said, "i'm delighted that the latvian scheme has been endorsed. this is the second scheme from a country in economic transition, which has successfully completed the endorsement procedure. we expect the first forests (2500 hectares) of a potential 1.4 million hectares, to be certified shortly." the other scheme was that of the czech republic, endorsed at the end of june 2001. pefc council - the leading umbrella for independent forest certification schemes today launched its interactive forest certification database on the web. this new resource will provide customers and specifiers of wood based products from certified forests, the opportunity of having valuable background information available at their fingertips. ben gunneberg, pefc council secretary general, said "this is great news for customers and anyone else wishing to find out more about the status of the timber products they are buying or specifying. whenever you want to check on a certificate, logo licence number or any other detail, all you need to do is log onto our web site, type in the details and get the results. the pefc logo already provides customers with the assurance that they are promoting sustainable forest management. in addition this new tool provides quick access to all the information behind licence and certificate numbers that a customer may require." read more on the database s pefc provides. pefc austria hosted the information event 'pefc - timber with responsibility' in the austrian federal economic chamber, on thursday, 20th november. about 100 guests from economy, industry and politics informed themselves about pefc and its development into the leading certification system worldwide. in his opening speech, christoph leitl, president of the austrian federal economic chamber, underlined the importance of austrian wood worldwide and congratulated pefc on its successful work. once more, the interest of industry and trade in promoting sustainable forest managment was emphasized. certifying timber with pefc has become an important marketing instrument, counting over 240 member companies, working in paper, board, sawmill industry and trade. in her speech doris stiksl-mitteramskogler pointed out the importance of pefc for her company in stating "as a supplier of the ressource for the wood-processing industry, and to fulfill our company's philosophy, we of course supply environmentally friendly and sustainably managed material. certifying our suppliers is an extra guarantee for us." concerning diys, georg nieders from imo-markt referred to the fact, that customers would rather buy certified wood, produced and managed environmentally friendly. "though many products (teak) are only available in adequate amounts without a certificate." rudolf bretschneider from fessel-gfk explained the public attitude and knowledge in timber and wood. according to his data, 41% of the people think highly of a quality label for wood products. because of their specialist knowledge, experts in forestry are on the first hand estimated best in issuing this label. "in my view, forestry lives sustainablity. concerning today's measures of value, convincing the public of that fact first of all is possible by excellent marketing. pefc is the instrument," gerhard mannsberger from the ministry of agriculture and forestry, environment and water management explained in closing his speech."wood has been a source of income historically and shall remain so, which only is possible through sustainable lived management." christian brawenz, vice president of pefc international stated explicitly that an acceptance between all credible certification systems would be preferable. this cooperation would benefit the customers in providing a larger range of certified timber and timber products. since september 2003, walloon landowners, both public and private, representing 162,000 hectares of woodland, have been involved with pefc belgium . sustainable development and a sustainable economy are increasingly important concepts, which naturally also apply to forests, their owners and their managers. in wallonia, pefc certification involves the inspection by an independent body of the management of forests by their owners. this takes the form of sampling in accordance with environmental standards based on the work of the helsinki ministerial conference on the protection of european forests. pefc forest certification is also characterised by a region-based approach as well as continuous improvement of forest management, both set up by the division de la nature et des forêts (public authorities) and the société royale forestière de belgique (private sector). this takes the concrete form of a progress plan developed by a work group comprising several actors: forestry businesses, environmentalists, scientists and industrialists from the wood sector and forest users. the wood from wallonia's certified forests will bear the distinctive "pefc" label. consumers buying wood with the pefc logo will be encouraging a voluntary initiative on the part of landowners keen to demonstrate their responsible management of walloon forests. contact will ramsay , communications officer, pefc international mieke vercuijsse , communications officerpefc belgium pefc lithuania on december 1st 2003 announced the start of an official public national consultation period on the lithuanian forest certification scheme. pefc lithuania announced, on december 1st, the start of an official public national consultation period on the lithuanian forest certification scheme. all interested parties in lithuania have an opportunity to review the scheme (currently only available in english) available and to send any comments to pefc lithuania. contact christian kämmer , technical officer, pefc international algis gaizutis , national secretary, pefc lithuania the swedish pefc cooperative has achieved a breakthrough with the large industrial forest enterprises over the past year. at the end of 2003, there are now some 80 sawmills in sweden that have been granted pefc certification and have received a chain of custody certificate. the swedish pefc cooperative has also achieved a breakthrough with the large industrial forest enterprises over the past year. the first major industrial forest enterprise to seek membership of the swedish pefc was holmen skog ab, which has a million hectares of forest land. soon afterwards, stora enso and korsn's, which together have 2.1 million hectares of forest, also applied for membership. both of these enterprises are already certified under the fsc , but for marketing reasons also wish to become certified under the pefc scheme. "several of our major timber suppliers have chosen the pefc scheme, which we consider to be a viable alternative to fsc" says björn andrèn, head of forestry at holmen skog. several other industrial forest enterprises are now also considering certification under the pefc scheme. "i believe that pefc has achieved a good deal of success and that we have established a credible and trustworthy scheme" says folke stenström, managing director at the swedish pefc cooperative. "we have seen an increase in demand for pefc-certified products in 2003, and we are expecting it to grow even more in 2004. we are now in a strong position to meet this call by the market for certified products." sven lundell, chairman of swedish pefc, welcomes this dual certification. "as several of the largest industrial forest enterprises are now choosing certification under both schemes, this is bound to benefit coordination of the wood flow in the future" he says. contact will ramsay , communications officer, pefc international magnus norrby , national secretary, pefc sweden the town of baden-baden, the largest municipal forest owner in baden-württemberg, now owns a certified forest. mayor dr. sigrun lang received the certificate at the town hall from dirk teegelbekkers, secretary general of pefc germany . the director of the local forest office, dr. anton hammer, states the increasing demand for certified wood as "the most important reason for the towns decision. having pefc certification in the town documents their environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically justifiable forestry. from now on the wood from the towns forest can be marketed with the pefc logo ." contact jaroslav tymrak , head of technical unit, pefc international dirk teegelbekkers , national secretary, pefc germany two national forest certification schemes, namely those of the czech republic and france will be independently assessed against the requirements of the pan european forest certification council (pefc). the schemes, developed by a wide range of stakeholders to help promote sustainable forest management, are expected to be applied to forests, covering some 17 million hectares over the next 5 years. pefc, a framework for the mutual recognition of national forest certification schemes developed on the criteria, indicators and operational level guidelines of the ministerial conferences on the protection of forests in europe, invites all those interested in sustainable forest management to inspect the czech and french schemes and send comments (by 23rd march) directly to the independent consultancy firms, jaakko pöyry oy, and indufor oy, who have been appointed to assess the french and czech schemes respectively. mr. ben gunneberg, secretary general of the pefc council (pefcc), said "these two schemes will bring to seven, the number of schemes which have undergone this assessment procedure. if they pass the requirements, they will provide the opportunity for over 3.7 million woodland owners to apply to have their forests certified by accredited certification organisations. if the schemes are endorsed by the pefc council, many products made from wood from these forests will have access to the pefc logo through a certified chain of custody . customers will be supporting and promoting sustainable forest management by buying products carrying this logo safe in the knowledge that they come from independently certified forests managed according to the pan european criteria for sustainable forest management as defined by the helsinki and lisbon ministerial conferences of 1993 and 1998 on the protection of forests in europe." contact ben gunneberg , secretary general, pefc international jaroslav tymrak , national certification centre, czech rep dr markku simula , indufor oy stéphane marchesi , secretary general, pefc france petteri pihlajamaki , jaakko pöyry oy the latvian forest certification scheme , a national independent scheme developed by a broad range of stakeholders in latvia, is about to undergo a rigorous testing and public consultation process to ensure that meets the requirements of the programme for the endorsement of forest certification schemes (pefc). this independent non-profit organisation requires that forestry standards are developed on the basis of the criteria, indicators and operational level guidelines agreed by government ministers as part of the ongoing ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe (mcpfe). the mcpfe process, developed by multi-stakeholder involvement and hundreds of forestry experts from all the countries in europe, can be used, amongst other things, as a reference for the establishment of standards for certification schemes. this is exactly what has happened in latvia, and everyone interested in the sustainable management of forests in latvia should take this opportunity to contribute to the public consultation being undertaken by the well known and respected independent consultants, jaakko pöyry, on behalf of pefc to see if it meets the pefc's stringent requirements for forest management. provided the scheme gets a clean bill of health, and is endorsed by pefc members, products from independently certified forests in latvia managed to this scheme will have access to the pefc logo. this logo provides customers and the general public with the assurance that they are promoting sustainable forest management. read more on the scheme and send your comments by 30th of april directly to the consultant. contacts ben gunneberg , secretary general, pefc international dr skaidrite albertina , chairwoman, pefc latvia petteri pihlajamöki, consultant, jaakko pöyry two national independent forest certification schemes have been submitted to the pan european forest certification council (pefc) for assessment against its strict requirements for credible forest certification schemes. both schemes have been developed using as their basis the elements prescribed by the ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe to promote sustainable forest management. mr ben gunneberg, secretary general of pefc council said "everyone who so wishes is invited to participate in the public consultation on both schemes, which can be viewed on the pefc website. comments should be sent directly by the 16th july to the independent consultants who have been appointed to assess the schemes against the requirements of the pefc council." both schemes wish to join the five other schemes already endorsed by pefc which currently account for over 36 million hectares of forests, making pefc the world's largest umbrella for forest certification schemes. mr gunneberg added "the swiss q label holz and belgian forest certification schemes hope to account for over 600 thousand hectares of certified forests within the next two years. this will contribute to the area of forests from which consumers of wood can buy timber in the knowledge that they are promoting sustainable forest management. timber from these forests can have access to a logo through an independently certified chain of custody. this logo provides customers and the general public with the assurance that they are promoting sustainable forest management." nb the public consultation period for the swiss scheme has been extended to the 1st of august 2001 (by decision on 3rd of july) contact ben gunneberg , secretary general, pefc international willie walker , canopy consultants jean-charles de viron , woodnet asbl (pefc belgium) paul hol , form ecology consultants dr peter gresch , swiss q label holz swiss q label, the swiss national forest certification scheme has just become the latest independent forest certification scheme to be endorsed by the pefc council - the world's leading forest certification scheme - following a rigorous assessment process. this brings to nine the number of schemes, which have been endorsed under the pefc mutual recognition umbrella and which already account for over 38 million hectares of independently certified forests. mr gunneberg, secretary general of pefc council, said, "we are delighted that swiss q label holz is now part of the pefc mutual recognition umbrella, having met its stringent requirements for endorsement. this means that the products from the 45000 hectares, already certified can have access to the pefc logo (see above). this logo provides customers and the general public with the assurance that they are promoting sustainable forest management." contact urs amstutz , national secretary, swiss q label ben gunneberg , secretary general, pefc international both the uk certification scheme for sustainable forest management and the spanish certification system for sustainable forest management have applied to undergo conformity assessment by the pefc council and independent consultants have just been appointed to undertake this work. this now means that both schemes will undergo the same stringent process to assess whether they conform to the requirements of the pefc council. form ecology consultants have been appointed to assess the uk scheme, while indufor oy consultantswill assess the spanish scheme. mr gunneberg said "part of the assessment involves a public consultation where anyone can review the schemes and send comments to the consultants undertaking the assessment. "provided the schemes both get a clean bill of health, and are endorsed by pefc members, products from independently certified forests managed to the schemes will have access to the pefc logo. this logo provides customers and the general public with the assurance that they are promoting sustainable forest management. "review the spanish scheme and the uk scheme , and send your comments (by 20th november 2001) directly to the consultant." contacts ben gunneberg , secretary general, pefc international eva martìn , national secretary, pefc espana dr markku simula , indufor oy len yull , chairman, pefc uk paul hol, form ecology -- pefc certified forests area 313 million ha forest owners > 750,000 companies (coc) > 20,000 read more get certified support global efforts to safeguard the world's forests. forest management chain of custody find certified identify certified products, forest owners, companies, and more! find certified/certificates... pefc is the world's leading forest certification organization. an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management, the programme for the endorsement of forest certification is the certification system of choice for small forest owners. learn more pefc newsletter your email address pefc standards revision give you feedback! our revised sustainable forest management standard is ready for your review. take part in the public consultation now! find out more! follow the revision of our standards with the standards revision website . how can we best protect our forests? pefc certification! check out our pefc youtube channel for all our videos, including voices from #pefcweek and much more! pefc tools pefc label generator companies and forest owners can now create pefc labels quickly and easily using the pefc label generator . © 2018 pefc international contact training disclaimer facebook twitter linkedin youtube scribd flickr | credits -- search results about pefc overview who we are what makes pefc unique? governance membership donate jobs contact forest issues overview who owns the forest? sustainability consume responsibly projects overview forest markets knowledge impact collaboration fund standards overview stakeholder engagement national standards international endorsement forest management chain of custody logo use technical documentation certification services overview forest certification chain of custody certification chain of custody training project certification labelling & logo use timber procurement eu timber regulation find certified… help & support resources pefc publications case stories videos presentations & speeches technical documentation news & media news newsletters photo contest 2018 press information find certified certified / certificates certification bodies